Saturday, March 24, 2012

April 2012 Meeting - C. Hope Clark is our Guest Speaker!

April 5, Sisters In Crime Meeting

For April, we have the pleasure of hosting C. Hope Clark. Ms. Clark is an accomplished author and an advocate for writers. Her debut work, Lowcountry Bribe - A Carolina Slade Mystery, from Bell Bridge Books, was releasedFebruary 1, 2012. Lowcountry Bribe's opening chapter took first place in the Phillip Mangelsdorf Award, third place in Alabama Writer's Conclave Competition and honorable mention in The Writing Show Chapter Competition as judged by bestselling mystery author C. J. Box. The novel enjoyed semi-finalist status (top 100 out of 10,000) in the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Contest, and was selected as a finalist for the Daphne du Maurier Mystery/Suspense Award, sponsored by the Romance Writers of America.
Hope is married to a 30-year veteran of federal law enforcement, a Senior Special Agent, now a contract investigator. They met on a bribery investigation within the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the basis for the opening scene to Lowcountry Bribe.
She also currently manages Funds, a weekly newsletter service she founded that reaches almost 45,000 writers to include university professors, professional journalists and published mystery authors. Writer's Digest has recognized the site in its annual 101 Best Web Sites for Writers for a dozen years.
She's published in The Writer Magazine, Writer's Digest, Chicken Soup, Next Step Magazine, College Bound Teen, Voices of Youth Advocates (VOYA), TURF Magazine, Landscape Management and other trade and online publications. She speaks at writers' conferences across the United States, and is a long-term member of SC Writers Workshop Association, Sisters in Crime and MENSA.

For more information about Hope's newsletters and other books, visit her website at
Come join us Thursday, April 5 at the Runway Café, 21 Airport Rd, Greenville, S.C. Pre-dinner fellowship begins around6:15. If you’re planning to dine with us, please order ahead of time. Dinner will be served at 6:30 with the panel discussion starting at7:00. Even if you can’t eat, but you plan to attend, let us know so we can ensure we provide enough seats. See our blog/website,, for menu information. Ellis has agreed to collect everyone’s dinner order Remember, if you order and fail to attend, you still have to pay, and we will enjoy your food.
I hope to see you there.