Sunday, August 11, 2013


On Wednesday, September 4, the Upstate SC Chapter of Sisters in Crime will welcome award-winning Colorado author Donnell Ann Bell as our guest speaker.

***NOTE: We have changed our normal meeting date from the 1st Thursday of the month to WEDNESDAY to match our out-of-town guest’s schedule.***

Donnell’s topic will be “The Value of Networking—Writers, Like Mohammed, Must Go to the Mountain.” The popular author will share a myriad of useful tips on how to add realism to novels and gain law enforcement expertise short of being sworn in as police officers. In her own quest for realism, Donnell has worked as a volunteer victim’s advocate, compiled a data base for the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, participated in ride-alongs, interviewed all manner of experts, and served as a moderator for She is actively involved in Sisters in Crime and the Kiss of Death chapter of Romance Writers of America (where she’s coordinated the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery Suspense).

A two-time Golden Heart® finalist, Donnell’s debut novel The Past Came Hunting became an Amazon bestseller, reaching as high as #6 on the paid overall list and finaling in the 2012 Gayle Wilson Award for Excellence, RWA’s® Greater Detroit Bookseller’s Best, and the 2012 Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. Deadly Recall, also brought to you by Bell Bridge Books, is her second published novel. It climbed to #1 on Amazon’s Deal of the Day and launched her second bestseller. Betrayed, her third book from Bell Bridge Books, will be released in November. Learn more about Donnell at

Come join us WEDNESDAY, Sept. 4, at the Runway Café, 21 Airport Rd, Greenville, S.C. Pre-dinner fellowship begins around 6:15. All of our meetings are open to the public. If you’re planning to dine with us, please order ahead of time. Dinner will be served between 6:15 and 6:30 with our guest's discussion starting at 7 p.m. Even if you can’t eat, but you plan to attend, let us know so we can ensure we provide enough seats. The special advance-order menu for our group appears on the right-hand menu tab. Dinner orders should be emailed to Ellis Vidler ( If you’re ordering a burger, PLEASE indicate either “cheese” or “NO cheese.” Remember, if you order and fail to attend, you still have to pay, and we will enjoy your food.