John and Rowe Carenen are the dual guest speakers
for the October 5 meeting of the Upstate SC Chapter of Sisters in Crime. The
father and daughter are teaming up to discuss the marketing demands authors
face once they finish a novel. Writing THE END on a manuscript, whether it’s a
debut novel or a writer’s tenth book, marks the start of marketing the author’s
work and attempting to gain traction in a crowded, ever-changing marketplace.

In order for the Runway Café to speed service,
dinner orders must be emailed by noon the day of the meeting. If you can't dine
with us, we would still like to know you plan to attend so we can be sure
you have a seat. If possible, please join us for dinner as our dinner
orders help to ensure we can book our meeting room for free. To see the special
menu for our group, click on the Advance Order Menu tab at right. Please e-mail your
order to Ellis Vidler at
If you place an order and do not attend or fail to
cancel by noon, you will be charged for the meal. And like always, we'll enjoy
to know more about the Carenens. Here’s how they describe themselves:
John Carenen, a native Iowan,
graduated with an M.F.A. from the Iowa Writers Workshop, surprising everyone
who knew him, especially high school teachers who saw him as shiftless,
pointless, and a bit dim. He continues to write. His work has appeared in
popular periodicals, and he has been a featured columnist in newspapers in the
Carolinas. His debut novel, Signs of Struggle, was published in
2012, the sequel, A Far Gone Night in 2014, and the third in
the Thomas O'Shea series, The Face on the Other Side, will be
published before Christmas. He is hard at work, more or less, on novel #4 in
the Thomas O'Shea series.
Rowe Carenen is
a graduate of Salem College and the University of Southern Mississippi. When
asked, she'd say that poetry has been her passion ever since she realized that
words could convey more than just the facts. Her poems have appeared in
various literary journals and magazines, including The Revenant Culture and GERM,
and her first collection, In the Meantime, was published
by Neverland Publishing in September 2014. Her second
collection, Bring Out The Bonebreakers, should be out early 2018. She is
currently living in Greenville, and while she agrees that pumpkin spice is
pretty great, she prefers gingerbread in her chai lattes.