Friday, December 14, 2018

Jan 3 - Phil Carter, US Postal Inspection Service

   Is your 2019 appointment calendar handy? You definitely want to get it started by marking Thursday, January 3rd, as the date of our first Sisters in Crime monthly meeting of the New Year! We will hit the ground running with a Greenville- based federal law enforcement officer, Richard P. (Phil) Carter, Jr., a National Business Liaison Program Manager for the US Postal Inspection Service. Mr. Carter will discuss what his job with the postal service entails and share some of his interesting cases.
Is your 2019 appointment calendar handy? You definitely want to get it started by marking Thursday, January 3
   Mr. Carter has twenty years’ experience as a criminal investigator and investigative supervisor in the areas of narcotics, ‘white collar’/violent crimes, terrorism and other investigations at local and federal levels. His areas of expertise include a working knowledge of event and site counter-threat planning.
   A recognized Subject Matter Expert (SME) in the areas of Facility Security, Workplace Violence, Hazardous Materials and White Collar Crime Investigations, Mr. Carter’s experience also includes instructing law enforcement officers, prosecutors and business professionals in subjects including officer safety, firearms, workplace violence and threat abatement.
   Our monthly meeting will take place on Thursday, January 3rd, at The Runway Café, 21 Airport Rd, Greenville, SC.  Be there at 6:15 p.m. to meet Phil Carter and enjoy chapter fellowship. Supper should be served at 6:30. Our speakers will begin after new and old business at about 7 p.m. Both dinner and the meeting are open to the public.
   Please e-mail your dinner and drink order before noon on Thursday to Ellis Vidler (click on link).This speeds service and helps us plan. The link for our special menu is located on the right-hand column listing.
   If you place an order and do not attend or fail to cancel by noon, you will be charged for the meal. And like always, we'll enjoy it. Look forward to seeing you.

February 7—Fight scenes and self-defense with Howard Lewis, 5th degree black sash in Esoma Kung Fu
March 7--Debra Goldstein, judge, litigator, and author of the Sarah Blair mysteries