Thursday, April 23, 2020

Hello, Sisters, Misters and Other Folks!

Based on the success of our lunch hour Zoom Meeting last week, we have decided to move forward with on-line meetings until we can once again meet at the Runway Café. I’m delighted to announce that Carla Damron will be our speaker on May 7th at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

Carla’s topic is Writing on the Edge: Straddling Genres. She will discuss her evolution as a writer. A clinical social worker, she's always explored social issues in her mysteries. After plunging into literary fiction and completing an MFA, she's immersed herself in two projects of literary crime fiction. She says she sometimes wishes she'd taken up crochet instead.

About Carla Damron

South Carolinian Carla Damron is author of the novel The Stone Necklace and recipient of the 2017 Women’s Fiction Writers Association Star Award for Best Novel. The book was also selected the “One Community Read” novel for Columbia SC in 2016. Carla is also the author of the Caleb  
Knowles mystery novels Keeping Silent, Spider Blue, and Death in Zooville. Her essay, “Sarah Leverette”, was published in Setting the Supper Table, 2019. Her short stories have appeared in numerous journals and she’s had op-eds published in Social Work Helper, the State Newspaper, and The Sumter Item newspaper.

To learn more about Carla you can visit:
·       Website:
·       Twitter: carlawritesfic
·       Facebook:

 About Zoom

Next week I will be sending you the log-in information for our meeting. I will enable entry to the virtual meeting room at 6:30 so that you can chat with one another in advance of Carla’s presentation. Promptly at 7:00 PM I will start the meeting and explain the interactive capabilities of Zoom and how you will be able to ask Carla questions. Best of all, we will be recording this meeting and will make it available to everyone on-line. So even if you can’t join us on May 7th, you will still be able to watch the meeting at your convenience.

Feel free to contact me via email if you have any questions.

Look forward to continuing our virtual journey together. Stay safe and healthy!


May 7th at 7 p.m. from the safety of home through ZOOM!